19 апр. 2021 г.

Get Paid with WooCommerce Payments 💰

Experience simplified payments with no monthly fees Web version
Accepting payments – and getting paid – is an important part of business. While there are many payment gateways out there, WooCommerce Payments is the only payments solution designed exclusively for WooCommerce, by WooCommerce. 
Here's why WooCommerce Payments is right for you:
Manage all transactions from your store's dashboard. WooCommerce Payments is the only online payments solution that lets you manage charges, deposits, refunds, and disputes from the comfort of your own store.
A woman managing her online store from her laptop.
Accept all major credit and debit cards. Increase conversion rates by allowing customers to pay you directly without leaving your store.
A man managing his payments on a computer in a retail environment.
To use WooCommerce Payments you will need to have Jetpack installed. Jetpack also helps keep your site ahead of security threats with real-time backups, automatic malware scanning, one-click fixes, and spam protection.

Free to install with no set up fees or monthly fees.
Starting from 2.9% + $0.30/transaction for U.S.-issued cards.
WooCommerce Payments is currently only available to merchants based in the US and selling in USD. Technical requirements include PHP 5.6+, WordPress 5.3+, WooCommerce 3.5+, WooCommerce Admin 0.24.0+ (if running a WooCommerce version less than 4.0), Jetpack 5.3+, and an SSL certificate.
WooCommerce cart logo.
WooCommerce logo. Automattic logo.

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